a random walk through topics that interest me
Write a time-series database engine from scratch
This blog post walks you through how to implement a time-series database engine based on what I’ve learned from my experience of writing a lightweight one from scratch.
Fixed/Variable-length encoding in Go
This post covers how to use the standard encoding/binary package to encode binary according to a custom format, and how it works.
Visualize Go process metrics in real-time
One day, it became necessary to have a tool to easily observe resource consumption trends of a Go process. I’m aware that there are tons of APM tools out there; also, Go has enough profiling tools including pprof.
Understanding how AES encryption works
I recently had the opportunity to encrypt/decrypt stuff using AES, but I didn’t know it inside out well. I couldn’t help but be curious about how it is working, and I realized my mind could only be satisfied by digging deeper into its implementation.
An Introduction to Progressive Delivery
As reported by DORA’s The Accelerate State of DevOps Report, elite performers deploy code to production a bunch of times a day,
Take a walk the Go AST
What do you refer to when you’re curious about the Go AST? A document? Source code? While reading the documentation helps you understand it in the abstract, you can’t see how APIs relate to each other, etc.
Digging deeper into the analysis of Go-code
The analysis of source code at the syntactic level can help you with your coding in a variety of ways. For that, the text is almost always converted to AST first to make it easier to handle in most languages.
Things That Could Drive Me Into a Nervous Breakdown
Photo by Ric Rodrigues from Pexels Nowadays, I have room in my heart for thinking about what could push me past my breaking point.
Incredible reasons I make a recommendation to apply to GSoC despite never got accepted
Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier I was not able to get into Google Summer of Code 2019. Despite things never worked out as my expect, I do not despaired at all.
Depth of module
Click here for Japanese version This article summarizes the concept of deep module described in the book “A Philosophy of Software Design” written by Professor John Ousterhout at Stanford University, and is written with permission of him.